Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ozone Water Purification

Ozone – or O3 – is Mother Nature’s purifier and disinfectant.

You may have noticed that a sudden summer storm leaves behind a very distinct smell, sort of a “fresh scent” which lasts for about an hour. In this case, you smell Ozone, which has been creating from lighting bolts during the electrical storm. Ozone is also created by the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Ozone is made up of three Oxygen atoms. One of these has a weak hold on the others, and is more than willing to transfer electrons with other organic substances, such as bacteria, and viruses. This single Oxygen atom binds with the other substance, causing it to oxidize (turn into something else. Rust is an example of Iron oxidizing into Iron Oxide).
Ozone is created inside an Ozone generator, and then is sent through a line into a diffuser, which creates ozone-saturated bubbles. Water is drawn in to mix with the bubbles, and then fed into the water purification tank. The weak Oxygen molecule in the Ozone attaches to other organic molecules in the water and oxidizing them. In effect – the Ozone “eats’ ‘em up” and ca-ching! Clean, fresh, purified drinking water.

"Ozone Generator"

Since World War II, ozonation has become the primary method to assure clean water in Switzerland, West Germany and France. More recently, major fresh water and waste water treatment facilities using ozone water treatment methods have been constructed throughout the world.

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